About Michael A. Wells

Rogue Poetry Review is edited by Michael A. Wells

Michael is a native Missouri poet with an appreciation for molding language in bold artistic representations that hold no limits and which broaden the experience of poet and readers alike.

The poems should be unique in nature, stretching the creative mind to our outer limits. Simply put, flowery rhyme is not what Rogue RP is about.

See the Submission page for specific instructions.

6 Comments on “About Michael A. Wells”

  1. brenda conley Says:

    fine job Michael.. little flowery stuff here… i really enjoyed the read and thank you for gathering these pieces together for my morning diversion…

  2. Yvonne Nunn Says:

    Michael, I know you must be elated. One question. Mona LIsa was written in Blank Verse Sonnet form. It would look better if you could put it in that form. It is not free verse.

  3. Yvonne, I will be happy to make this correction. Your submission was blocked in the email as it appears here. I personally am very particular about my own line breaks and thus assume the same for others.

    It is after editing this issue that I will hold firm to my original request that submissions be word.doc attachments. Some e-mail programs have a tendency to alter original text spacing and add document codes. This sometimes complicates realization of the intent.

  4. Missi Says:

    Michael, Thank you for putting together such an impressive collection. I am honored to be involved, and I wish the Rogue Poetry Review a successful future.

  5. Faye Adams Says:

    Great first edition, Michael. Thanks for an intriguing read. Best wishes for success in future volumes.

    Faye from De Soto, MO

  6. Missi: Thank you for both the contribution of your own work and best wishes.

    Faye: Thank you, I was pleased with it.

    Yvonne: Yes, elated would be a good description. I appreciate the opportunity to use your work. There were many other fine submissions, but I feel very good about what was chosen.

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